Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The African Development Fund is supporting a joint project between Rwanda and Pittsburgh based Carnegie Mellon University, creating a new graduate engineering program. Carnegie will initially offer a Masters of Science in Information Technology.

I love this idea! It is so hopeful.
I want them to start a law program and maybe I can apply to teach!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

SEC Inspector General

The US Securities and Exchange Commission's Inspector General has indicted the SEC.
Apparently, the SEC has internal control problems offering sweet deals to employees and protecting other from investigation.

See the Wall Street Journal story here.

Friday, September 2, 2011

App for Corruption

Love this app for the phone, mapping corruption.

We need this in the states as well.
I have frequently thought about the increasing similarities between the US and Africa over the last 9 months in Southern California. Here, we are learning to barter, to live with a LOT less money and co-operate better in our community.

Similar to many countries in Africa our government has let us down. In California, we are learning to get by with less cash and more work and less, less, less. More costs for things that were free and no recourse for these increases in our expenditures.

We have to work better together which is not a forte for the So Cal. Stores are closing, SEARS is leaving OC for God's sake.
I think this app for corruption would do really well in Sacramento. Where did all the money go?
All of these years we have been paying into the pot with taxes to the State of California, now it is ALL GONE!!!

I have so much respect for the students of today who are struggling and making do. OC is so diverse and each person I meet who is finding a way forward fills me with awe.