Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sanja Iveković: Sweet Violence

I have missed you my sweet, sweet BLOG. I took some time off. I did do some writing but nothing that would interest you. I went to an exhibition recently in New York City at the Museum of Modern was transformational. Please click through this link for additional video and text regarding this exceptional artist, feminist, and social observer. She is from the former Yugoslavia. born in Zagreb, and her work is relevant to people and women world wide.    

This exhibit is her first in the US. Do not be put off by her label as a feminist (male readers) She did promote women's issues, which continue to need promotion. I am shocked how much sexual harassment is tolerated at Academic institutions. I should have stayed with the brokerage firm and taken my chances there since I face much the same kind of treatment !! There are just MORE women in Academia getting mistreated so it feels like a club, sort of.

But still her work in Sweet Violence includes refugees and outcasts. She uses video and magazine advertisements to make us SEE what is happening everyday in terms of alienation, isolation, abandonment, violence and loneliness.    

One display is in a small, dark  room. As you turn the corner into the room you see a screen displaying words with a rhythmic sound like the drip of water at regular intervals. The words disappear and the screen shows a desolate wilderness of nothingness. In front of the screen are are tall, living plants that might be confused with people because of their size. This exhibit is about refugees and I identified with every one of the words for some reason and I don't mean to trivialize the experience of the true refugee. It was compelling and I stayed for quite awhile in that dark room full of plants watching the words and listening to the drips.

The MOMA has an excellent website and I hope you have enough electricity to access it and watch.   

KONY video nonsense

Please find below a link to a Pambazuka article on the downside of the KONY video.

My only comment is to repeat what National Public Radio (NPR) and BBC World News have reported from Uganda: that the video lack historical reference or context and therefore deprives the watcher/listener of a full understanding of the situation.

Why does a non-profit from San Diego tell us what is happening in Uganda after we have all witnessed the power of the Arab uprising via smart phone recordings of video etc? This tech-generation must insist on integrity and truth and allow PEOPLE to tell their story rather than accept a story second hand.

Why is Facebook eating what San Diego is cooking? Insist instead on the voices of Africans rather than buying what a Muzungu tells us.

satirical smiley :)