Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lovers are like buses

...just wait a little while and another one will come along.

I recently caught Newsnight on the BBC. The discussion surrounded vaccines promoted in Africa by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The round table included the CEO of GlaxoSmithkline, Andrew Witty, with Mr. Gates, himself!!, along with the Secretary General of the East African Community, Dr. Richard Sezibera.

There were several critics of vaccines in Africa who provided food for thought to the panelists. Big Pharma and Mr. Gates agreed on everything...saving African Children is important and bad governance is not their concern. Also, the pricing structure seemed to be of some concern. Rich countries pay more, poor countries pay less.

The gentleman from the EAC made me think of the quote that is the title of this blog.
"Ya, its ok for now, we have vaccines and the children live. And why not take affordable medicine??"

Watch both clips on You Tube.
My only comment is that the critics raised so many good points, such as why not put the money to better use...? Why vaccinate when the people have no way to support themselves? Why support regimes that oppress and provide no support to the people themselves?

Mr Gates replied that what his foundation is doing is a solid 'good' and cannot be discounted by such arguments. He was not concerned about his legacy, only that more children survive in Africa.

Very noble.
Africa has had many lovers before him....and another bus is just around the corner.

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