Thursday, November 29, 2012

ASEA 2012 in Cairo

I leave tomorrow for the African Stock Exchange Association meeting 2012 in Cairo.
While I always agree with people when they tell me conferences are time consuming and can result in diminishing returns...(opportunity costs and all that)....I am excited for this meeting !!

The Agenda is posted on the ASEA 2012 website and the whole conference is VERY well organized and there are many interesting speakers that are NOT politicians. Sometimes this conference is about the politics but this one promises more. I am cautiously optimistic.

The theme of the conference this year is "Unleashing Africa's Investment potential-What could be done by African Capital Markets."

There may be security concerns but I believe the location of the conference will be safe and the staff at the stock exchange CASE appear to be on top of things. I plan to be conservative and remain close to the exceedingly posh-looking hotel.

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