Sunday, October 25, 2015

ZIm farmers judgment forces the sale of a home in SA

I previously wrote about a Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tribunal ruling that resulted in a judgment in the South African Constitutional Court. That judgment resulted last month in the sale of a home in Cape Town that was attached for settlement of monies owed.

While described as a symbolic victory, the judgment still has the power to cause other sales to satisfy it. The lawsuit to enforce the decision of the SADC tribunal demonstrated that civil law  functions in Southern Africa, with some help.

Interestingly, a case will be heard in a South African court early next year regarding the complicity of the South African Government in the suspension of the SADC Tribunal in 2011.  I blogged about the suspension here.  The SADC Tribunal is the forum previously given jurisdiction by member states of SADC over human rights violations by those states. 

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